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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Monsters are Alive and Well..

...and coming to a movie theater near you! Our Home Fry-ed Movie for August/September is The Killer Shrews, a silly, little creature feature from 1959. Monster movies were in abundance in the 1950s and 60s -- deadly creatures from outer space, atomic mutations, ancient monsters awakened from their graves. Monsters are still popular in the movies, only they are embedded in much more complex storylines than the movie monsters of the past.

Let's look at some of the "monster" movies from 2012:

There are monsters in Prometheus, although they're really just new species the scientists discover as they explore a distant planet. The movie works primarily as a sci fi action thriller, with some scares along the way. 

The main character in Chronicle eventually becomes a "monster," but not until the end of the movie. For most of the film, he's just an angst-ridden teenager with a crummy dad, a sick mom, low self-esteem and some special powers. (Okay, an angst-ridden teenager does sound scary, no matter what the circumstances are.) 

The Cabin in the Woods is chocked-full of monsters of all kinds, but its unique structure, starting out as a stereotypical slasher film, mixing in some Lovecraft and some science fiction, and ultimately becoming a parody of itself, makes the movie difficult to classify.

Perhaps the best monsters of this year weren't monsters at all, but the pack of wolves that chase Liam Neeson and his companions through the icy north in The Grey.

Monsters? They're everywhere, with no sign of disappearing. (Unless, of course, they're invisible, i.e., Predators.) 

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